Friday, June 11, 2010

Finally home

Garrett and mom FINALLY got to come home yesterday (Thursday)! Recovery is a painful process in very many ways... especially with extra sores from laying in bed without moving for so long. The leg is doing well and Garrett is still on his 2 hours on and 2 hours off of the CPM (Continuos Passive Motion) Machine. Ice, physical therapy, moving positions and continuing to eat high calorie and protein foods are a part of Garrett's daily routines. Garrett is very thankful for the visitors he's had since he's been home and the family that has come to help mom out while Jim is working during the day (Garrett requires a two-person-team to help with his care).

Since climbing stairs is obviously out of the question, we have transformed a room downstairs to comfort Garrett has much as possible. He has a trapeze above his bed that helps allow him to move himself and his loving posters are hung on the wall for him to see. Learning to find comfortable positions in his wheelchair, bed or couch are struggle, but he is patient and willing to try what ever will be best for the recovery and his body.

We have no update on Garrett's friend, Devon, so please just keep him in your prayers.

Thank you for all the support... we all appreciate it SO much. Garrett has no specific prayer requests at this time, so I guess just continuous strength.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the update! Continuous strength it is!!
