Day 1-
Check-in 8:00AM March 24th and began chemo regiment began right away. It was a pretty rough day, over drugged on Benadryl, slept most of the day, did not want to eat. Day 2-
Chemo began at 6:30AM, ate a little, and completed math algebra with Kathie (hospital teacher). Later that day I was joined by a third roommate, a Husky grad to watch the game. To bad they lost. Overall it was a good day:)
Day 3-
2:30AM Friday morning I began Chemo. Friday was an overall good day. Meet with the Katie again for a little math. Aunt Joanie came and stayed with me while Mom went out to lunch with some friends. Later that day Megan came and we played foozeball and cards. Garrett of course beat Megan in Fooze. Kyle Kearney came to visit later that night and brought us some pizza. We ate pizza and watched Basketball. I then started Chemo again at 10:00PM and it went though the night. The Chemo went good.
Day 4- Just woke up and really glad it is my last day here! Jim is coming to spend the day with me and I will be starting my last round of Chemo later on this evening. I am really excited to come home tomorrow!
Some side notes:
*I am begging to feel like I am on a leash when I am plugged into my IV. They are nice enough to unplug me each day for a short amount of time so I can take a shower.
*I am beginning to look like a leopard on my head as I start to loose my hair.
*The food is pretty gross here.
Hang in there Garrett! Still praying for your health!!