Saturday, September 18, 2010

Last Post

Im terribly sorry for not keeping you updated the last couple months. If you have not found out yet I finished my treatment on October 19th. The feeling was unexplainable and very emotional for me(in a good way). Ever since I started treatment I dreamed about that day. Some days it seemed like I would not make. Other days it felt like it was just around the corner. Well I am proud to say that I AM A CANCER SURVIVOR. I went back to school the next day and have been back to my life, friends, family, and school ever since.

Life back has been so much different then life before cancer. I am a very emotional person now. Everyday I try my best to live it to the fullest because we are never promised tomorrow. I have been spending lots of time with my friends and back to being an teenager. School is school and it is going well. Life also is a lot harder then before. Everyday I think about all the kids up at Children's Hospital who are suffering. That by far has been the hardest part. I just can't get those kids off my mind and knowing what there going through it kills me. I try to keep myself busy because when I don't I start thinking about all those things I went through and knowing kids are going through that as a speak hurts. Life around me has really changed while I was away. My leg is doing as well as it can and hopefully I will be off crutches in January but I constantly need the prayers for full healing and to stay healthy.

I am so glad to be back to my life. I don't think I can put into words how much I owe everyone who has stood by my side through this all and helped out my family and I. I am so grateful for the people in my life and I feel so blessed. On Sunday I went back to church for the first time since I have started treatment and it felt so good to be back in the house of God. I know I am not perfect and I am a teenager who does stupid things all the time. But I know when it comes down to it I owe Jesus my life. I would not be here today if it were not for God and all you guys who have prayed for me constantly. This will be my last post as I am back to being Garrett and living life to the fullest. Thank you soo much for everything. Always remember though as I am writing this there is a child who is being told they have cancer. I remember waking up from my surgery that day and being told that. PRAY PRAY PRAY AND ALWAYS HAVE HOPE. I am at the top of the mountain now. I have a lot to do in this world and I am so glad I get a chance to live it. If you have learned anything from me through this all is faith can move mountains and to live life to the fullest everyday. THANK YOU!!!

Garrett Light

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Last 24 Hours!!!

The last 24 hours have pretty awesome. I had a great weekend out at my beach place and I am having my last 8 hour chemo today then I have two weeks off then my last 5 day chemo. The last 24 hours have been indescribable. I found out yesterday afternoon that I will be done with treatment on October 19 if everything goes as planned. That was great news to finally have a end day in mind. I am glad it is the 19th because I told one of My best friends Brendan 2 months ago that I wanted to be done by his birthday and his birthday is the 19th so I was happy to tell him about that. After my appointment I went to golf practice like I have been doing when I am not in the hospital and feeling up to it to go support my team. I forgot that Auburn Younglife was having their annual golf tournament at Auburn while we were practicing. When I went down to practice I saw people from Younglife I was asked by Kim Olson (head of yl) if I would share my testimony at the dinner after the tournament. I wasn't sure if I should since I had never shared it before and had no time to prepare. But God was moving in my heart and I got up that night and gave my testimony for the first time infront of people. I talked about my father dying of cancer, dedicating my life to Christ in 7th grade, ect, and of course talking about how much God has changed my life and been by my side through through all this treatment. It was pretty awesome and I also got to hear my good friend Makenzie testimony too which was awesome. I got up this morning for my outpatient chemo and Devon came and said goodbye as he has just got his port out and was officailly done with treatment and headed back to Yakima. I was sooo happy for him and neither of us could stop smiling cause he was done. I am sooo glad I met Devon ever since we met back in April we have been close friends and got along very well hanging out both in the hospital and outside the hospital. I was sooo blessed to have him come into my life during such a hard time and have someone around my age that actually knows what I am going through and has the same feelings about things as I do. I am going to miss Devon very much but I made sure to tell him that I never wanted to see him at Childerns again. I can't wait for us to be able to hangout when we are both better and walking and back to our normal lifes. I will for sure be making trips over to Yakima. So as you can see these last 24 hours have been pretty incredible. I am fighting hard and feeling good and I need your prayers more then ever this next month for me to stay healthy and strong and to keep fighting. Thank you all for everything!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

This Guy is my hero!!!!

Know he is playing FOOTBALL!!!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sisters, Starbucks and Card playing

Hello readers,

Garrett is on his last full day of a five-day chemo treatment. This 5-day has been different for one main reason... mom took the weekend off and the sisters have been in charge! Since it is the safest for mom to be out of cellular service while Garrett is in the hospital, she and our step-dad decided to take the opportunity and go camping for the weekend. Megan and Lindsy have been switching off staying with Garrett at the hospital. He went in on Friday morning and will be discharged at 4 AM Tuesday morning.

Garrett's daily routine to help the time pass has been to sleep in until 10:30ish, have some breakfast, go down to the amazing and huge new Starbucks and play cards/ drink smoothies, come back up to his room and take a shower, then start a movie at about 7 after some dinner.

Another reason why this session of chemo has been different is because there is pretty much NO ONE on the chemo floor! It has been quiet and Garrett has been blessed with a large room and no roommate. He did have a roommate Friday night... Devon. Devon and Garrett got to spend Devon's last night in the hospital together. He has finished chemo and if all stays well... go back to his real home on the 14th. Please pray for continuos healing for his ankle and a great transition back to his life at home with family and friends.

Thank you to aunt Sandy, Kahlen, Mckenzie, cousin Maria and Grandma for coming to visit Garrett during this 5-day stay. Garrett will have an 8-hour transfusion as his next chemo treatment in a few weeks and then one more 5-day stay... then if all stays well he'll be done mid-October : ). The few weeks that Garrett has after 8-hour transfusions are the best because his counts seem to stay high enough that he can do whatever he wants. This last time he spent as much time as possible with his AMHS Golf team... riding along at practice in a golf cart.

As always... thank you for the continuous prayers. Physical Therapy is going well and Garrett is working on getting his ankle stretched out and tilted the way that it should be.

We'll post again soon!
- Lindsy

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Getting around

Last time I posted I was in the middle of my 3 day chemo. I made it through that pretty easily. That night I got pretty sick and ended up in the ER, but they gave me some fluids and sent me home and I was fine. I ended up going to my beach place the next day and seeing a bunch of family which was really well needed. I spent the next week visiting with friends and doing physical therapy. That Saturday I went with my family to the drive-ins to see Inception. Sunday I went out to my beach place for the day again. Wednesday I went in for my 5 day chemo. My 5 day chemo was pretty rough and seemed like it lasted forever. But once again I made it through. The following week was good but slow and I got really tired and had a blood transfusion on Saturday. I now know that the 5 day chemo kicks my butt and makes all my counts go low and hard to recover. I was suppose to have my first 8 hour chemo today instead of 3 days but my platelets were not high enough and I have to wait until friday to have my 8 hour. After this 8 hour I will have 3 chemos left; two 5 days and one more 8 hour chemo. I found out today that my friend Devon will be all done with treatment and get to go back to Yakima for good on September 14. I am sooo happy for him and it also makes me think that I am only about a month behind him. I am getting around well on my crutches, but yet super sore when I spend time walking on them. Things are moving along and I just need to stay as healthy as possible and on schedule so I can finish this treatment up these next couple months. I am past tired and frustrated with treatment and really worn down but I know I am gonna make it. Thank you for soo much great support.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Reality Brings Saddness

About 2 months I spent one of my 5 day chemos rooming with a really cool 23 year old boy from New Mexico. His name is Logan and he was living in New Mexico and got Leukemia. The Leukemia ended up going away and he was cancer free. A couple years later the Leukemia returned and his family and him came up to Seattle Childerns to get a donor. The plan was for Logan to get some of his brother's bone marrow because they thought it would match Logan's. It ended up not being the right match. Logan has been in the hospital since the middle of may without leaving getting sick with viruses and not being able to find a donor. Today my mom came in and told me she has just got done talking to his parents and Logan is only getting sicker and is starting to have heart failure. It brought tears to my eyes hearing that. There is really nothing left they can do for him and the are sending him back to home which is New Mexico. It is very heart hurting seeing people and rooming with kids here at Childerns all the time who don't have that light at the end but still are fighting and have a smile on their face. I look around at this world and everyone is always complaining at small things like having a cold, or breaking up with their bf or gf that they went out with for a month, or just daily things that get us down because we let it. But before you start complaining about what you had for dinner remember there are kids I see everday just fighting for their lives before that even get a chance to live life. Logon needs our prayers more then ever. I'm hoping to get up from bed and get a chance to go talk to him today and pray and wish him the best.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

6 Weeks

I know it has been forever since I have personally written in my blog. Times have been hard for me these past 6 weeks. 6 weeks ago I went in for my surgery to remove the cancer (which is all goneJ), but at the same time pretty much get a new leg. Personally I didn’t know having such a major thing done to your body would be so hard. I ended up getting bedsores from not being moved and that itself was super hard. When I first got the sores itself was more of a problem at the beginning then my leg while I was in the hospital. I spent 8 days in the hospital recovering from my surgery moving 3 rooms, changing 3 beds (all in the middle of the night), using a CPM machine for my leg 2 hours on 2 hours off and having nurses, doctors, ect bugging me all the time. It was a hard time both for my mom and I. We were glad when we got to go home. When I got home I had a setup in our computer room downstairs that consisted of a bed with lots of padding for my sores, a trapeze so I could move myself around, and lots of pillows. We got home on a Thursday and on Tuesday they said I would be having chemo the next day. I wasn’t very happy to hear that as I was still trying to get over my surgery, as I hadn’t even been home for a week. I went in for my 3 day chemo then came home. My free time at home has been as simple as just hanging around my downstairs moving from my family room to computer room and doing physical thearapy. Not walking is the hardest thing I have gone through. I feel so limited even though I am improving everyday, but can’t really do anything for myself. It is hard relying on everyone around you to do everything for you. I can personally say I have no personal space anymore. I know things can only get better for me and my leg and I have never been more determined in my life. The physical therapist today told me my movement is great and she has never seen someone work so hard to get back on their feet. She says there is no doubt if I keep working hard and doing what I need to do that I am going to have myself a good leg. Also my surgeon wants to get a golf simulator for him and I at the hospitalJ. I am a long way away from walking but I am making progress. I can now get around the house on my crutches and make it upstairs to take a shower. I have been through a lot these past 6 weeks with surgery, two chemos, and just getting out of the hospital yesterday after spending it in the hospital because of a fever. I don’t know how I do it. I am not the perfect person and lately there have been times were I have been angry with life and God. I sometimes have to ask WHY?, when I am at my lowest and don’t feel like I am going to make it. But then God always shows up in some way to make it bearable and I move on in this journey. Tomorrow I go in for more chemo knowing this is my last 3 day and I won’t ever have to put up with the red poison again. I have been through Hell and I am still in it, but it feels good to know that there is a light at the end of this tunnel with only 5 chemos left after this 3 day. I miss hearing from everyone and seeing people as people are busy and summer is in full throttle and hope with this post I can get a little feed back on how everyone is doing and tell how I have been doing too. Hope everyone is having a good summer so far and God Bless.


Saturday, July 3, 2010

Another 5-day Chemo stay

I told you all I'd update sooner than the last time ; ).

Garrett is on his last full day of this 5-day chemo treatment. He is pretty sleepy today but enjoyed having sister megan stay with him friday night. During this hospital stay Garrett has sat in a chair for about an hour (amazing!), taken a real shower and visited with mom, grandma, aunt joan and uncle paul, cousin maria and sisters megan and lindsy. He has a good roommate who... for the first time... is a little better off than Garrett. This boy only has one hospital stay and two out-patient treatments and he's done! It's a little different since Garrett is usually the cancer patient who is doing the best out of the two roommates. We thank the Lord that this boy only has to go through a few treatments and got to graduate with his class and is now on to UW : ). We continue to pray that Garrett stays on schedule and continues to make great improvements.

This weekend is a difficult one for Garrett because every 4th of July he, along with the rest of the family, heads out to our cabin on Hood Canal to watch the beautiful fireworks. Garrett will not be able to attend this year, but we pray that he is feeling well enough that he can go to Grandma's on sunday night to watch the show from her deck : ). Mom and Megan get to spend the night at the cabin tonight... we are thankful that they get a day or two to relax.

Thank you again for being such great supporters for Garrett... this process is a long one and we are grateful for the ones who continue to pray and think of Garrett. He is on week 17 of 30 and cannot wait to get this all over with.

Stay posted for our next update on Garrett! Happy 4th of July and BE SAFE!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sorry it's been so long...

Hello friends and family!

We apologize for not updating Garrett's blog recently... we have been busy! A few weeks ago Garrett went in for his first appointment since he had been home from surgery. Everything was healing well and they decided to stick to the schedule and admit him for his first post-surgery chemo from tuesday the 16 through friday the 18th. Although it's a bummer he had to head back to the hospital, it's great that everything is still on track and the sooner he'll be done with treatments!

A great report for you all... Garrett's pathology report from the tumor that Dr. Conrad removed was great! The tumor was completely dead when they removed it. Which means... no radiation and no more surgery!!! Such a blessing to hear : ).

Now Garrett is doing 2-3 days a week of physical therapy, watching lots of the Fifa Wold Cup games (sad for the U.S.) and is heading back to the hospital on Wednesday for a 5-day chemo session. His mobility has improved a ton and he's getting much better at using the crutches around the house. Thank you for those who have visited and spent time with Garrett : ).

Hopefully it won't be this long before we update the blog again. Have a great sunday!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Finally home

Garrett and mom FINALLY got to come home yesterday (Thursday)! Recovery is a painful process in very many ways... especially with extra sores from laying in bed without moving for so long. The leg is doing well and Garrett is still on his 2 hours on and 2 hours off of the CPM (Continuos Passive Motion) Machine. Ice, physical therapy, moving positions and continuing to eat high calorie and protein foods are a part of Garrett's daily routines. Garrett is very thankful for the visitors he's had since he's been home and the family that has come to help mom out while Jim is working during the day (Garrett requires a two-person-team to help with his care).

Since climbing stairs is obviously out of the question, we have transformed a room downstairs to comfort Garrett has much as possible. He has a trapeze above his bed that helps allow him to move himself and his loving posters are hung on the wall for him to see. Learning to find comfortable positions in his wheelchair, bed or couch are struggle, but he is patient and willing to try what ever will be best for the recovery and his body.

We have no update on Garrett's friend, Devon, so please just keep him in your prayers.

Thank you for all the support... we all appreciate it SO much. Garrett has no specific prayer requests at this time, so I guess just continuous strength.


Sunday, June 6, 2010

On the mend...

Garrett is continuing to do a fantastic job recovering from surgery. Pain seems to be under control, he has gotten both his epidural and catheter out, and we are currently waiting on physical therapy to see if we can get him up and standing. Special shout out to all who have come to visit Garrett...Grandma Light, Aunt Joanie, Aunt Sandy, Lee family, John Byrne, Kahlen, Powel, Brendan, LJ, Byron and Michelle Rock, and of course Mom, Jim, Lindsy, Megan, and Trish. Now that Garrett's pain is more under control and he is more coherent you are welcome to send him a text.

Below is a picture we took this morning when the doctors came to do a dressing change. The incision continues down towards the ankle.

Please continue to keep Garrett's friend Devon in your prayers. He is in the hospital with a fever and possible infection.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Recovery- day 2

Hello again,

It's friday and Garrett is on his second full day of recovery. Yesterday was a relaxing day full of trying to keep the pain under control. He was pretty sleepy all day and all he wanted to do was rest (which is defiantly appropriate). This morning Garrett and Mom were awoken at 6 AM by doctors to remove the gauze from around the leg (doctors called it his "leg cocoon"). The incision is very large and they took pictures of it. Now he has a thin wrap on because today is the day he started doing passive range of motion.

Garrett still has his epideral in for pain and has had more pain today than yesterday. As a result they have started him on oral pain medications. It has been a very uncomfortable day for Garrett because every two hours he now gets to use this pretty cool machine (a CPM) that bends his leg for him (little bits at a time). Also as a result of being in bed and not able to move these last few days he has developed some sores. Nurses are in the process of getting him moved to a better bed with a trapeze that he can use to take pressure off his back when laying down.

Garrett is a trooper... we all know that. It's hard watching him be uncomfortable but he's dealing with it the best he can. Thankfully we have a great mom that make sure things get done so he is in the best care possible : ).

Take care,

Lindsy (Garrett's sister)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Goodbye right tibia

Hello all,

Garrett is currently awake and in little to no pain. Surgery went very well... they were able to save the knee. He has at least 8 screws and part of a healthy new tibia thanks to a 16-year-old boy. He is pretty numb in both legs and probably will not remember tonight (which is probably a good thing).

Thank you for all of the prayers and support... today was a big day for Garrett!

Dr. Conrad says that the surgery is worth 9 holes of golf... and depending on the recovery.... possibly 18. According to Conrad, it was a tough surgery just because of so many nerves and all that muscle Garrett has. The tumor was not anywhere else in the body besides the bone that they took out, which is great!

Mom's (Robin) sisters and brother in law kept her and Jim company while Garrett was in surgery.

Thanks again and we'll keep you up updated on his recovery : ).

Lindsy (one of Garrett's two sisters)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Getting ready for surgery

Sorry I have not posted for awhile. I have been getting ready for surgery. Last week and weekend consist of my counts getting rock bottom and I had a blood transfusion and just hung out. Yesterday I went to Snowqualmie Falls with the family then had some friends over. This morning I woke up to the sun and feeling great and knew what I had to do. I drove my truck and went to play some golf for the last time until well about this time next year. I then had to go to the hospital to meet with everyone for pre surgery. Tomorrow the plan is for me to go into surgery in the afternoon with the plan to get a bone graph with the surgery lasting about 3 to 4 hours. This is a lot of pain and recovery coming my way and if the doctor doesn't feel he can get all of the tumor when he cuts me open he will take the knee too. But hopefully will won't have to go there. I know this path is not going to be easy at all and I really have no idea what is in store for me. But I have been through soo much already and I know God is going to be guiding those doctors and nurse through the entire surgery. I have a lot of things running through my head at a time like this but I have faith in the Lord and I am ready to take this surgery with everything I have.

Love you all,

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Relay for Life/Weekend

Greatest Friends in the World
Opening Presents
Happy Birthday to Me
Get Better Devon
Auburn Mountainview Kids doing a Prayer Circle at Relay
Two words that mean a lot
My Family
One of my best friends Steve who had leukemia at 3, My Aunt Martha who has now gone 9 years breast cancer free, and I.

This Weekend with the Relay and my 18th birthday involved a lot of emotion that'd involved some crying, a lot of laughing, smiling, and getting a surprise birthday party!!!! I feel so blessed to be surrounded by such amazing friends and family. It is one weekend I will never forget.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


The results from Garrett's PET scan came back today and it shows that his tumor has responded well to the chemo. Praise the Lord and thanks for all the prayers! His tumor within his bone was reduced from 10 to 2.2 and within the soft tissue it went from 7.3 to all gone. We continue as a family to feel blessed by all the wonderful support we have received from friends and family. Hang in there with us as we take one hurdle at a time. We love you all!
Garrett's Mom, Robin

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


You really can't know how much something means to you until it is taken away from you. Today I played golf and played the best in months. I do not really understand how I played at the top of my game under the condition I am. Then I thought well I deserve to have this happen to me. I love golf a lot. Its my sport its what I do. It always makes me happy and I never get sick of it. I set high goals for me with golf. In October I missed going to state by a few strokes and our team missed winning league by 2 strokes. I told myself that Junior golf season was over and time to get ready for Senior year because nothing was going to keep me from going to state and our team winning league. I had just got a job at the golf course and was going to golf free all spring and summer long and train like heck to get a lot better. I also applied for a scholarship to play at Meridian Valley Country Club which I got. I also got nominated to be team co captain with my friends brendan. Everything was set up perfect and I had everything I wanted in Golf. As I get closer to having surgery next month and still not knowing yet what they are going to do to my leg I have to realize unless there are miracles and I still have a lot of hope, but most likely I wont be playing my senior year for golf or play golf at all for another year. I will be still doing chemo and have a brace on my leg and if im not having a brace my leg will not be able to bend enough to golf. I have spent the last month or so getting my golf in and doing everything I can before my surgery. It has made me super happy every time I get a chance to go out and enjoy golf and not think about school or the hospital. It is going to be super hard to not have that in my life while I recover from my surgery. I know lots of things can happen and like I said I still hope if there is any way that I can play my senior year of golf because it is my last year of high school golf and ill never get that back. Everything happens for a reason and God has control while I wont have golf I will have other things keeping me going and strong. I will be riding that golf cart around either way cheering on my team and giving them hope and making sure they still win league.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Random things I See and think about

- What is life going to be like once im cancer free?

-The chemo doesn't give me pain while it gets infused and I don't feel it

-I no longer get to take the showers with the water rushing down my face I have to wear a water protecter so water doesn't get in my port and I have to be very careful while swimming.

-What are my friend going to be like once I go back to school?

-I'm I going to get to play my senior year of golf? I had such big goals for it.

-Why is this boy in the hospital sitting there struggling in pain and he has no one there with him(m0m,dad,guardian).

-This boy had to stay another night at the hospital because no one came to pick him up to go home

-My roomate has a tumor thats 12 inches in his intestines and it doesn't look good

-What are my capabilities going to be with my leg once I have surgery and will I be able to do the same things I use to do.

-I miss my social life

-I hate not being apart of my friends and family's life's and not being able to be there for them and support them the way I use too

-I wonder what my hair is going to look like when it grows back

-I want to graduate with my friends senior year and go to college

- I want to go back to United Methodist Church and get more invovled and i miss Younglife and Church soooo much.

-I miss school and Auburn Mountainview a lot

-How does my mom do is far from amazing

-I think it would be harder to watch someone who you love so very much fight cancer then have it

-God never put this burden on me but he is the only one who can take it away

-I get excited more and more thinking about life without cancer

-I have cancer and I still feel sorrow and much worse for all the kids around me at Childen's

- I have never cried for myself so far only thinking about all the people especially at Childerns who are suffering ever day

-One day I could go eating sooo much, the next hating food.

-My favorite world is IDC

-I love when my friends and family just come hangout with me just because they want to not because they feel like they need too

-I also put a smile on when I see people

-I have God to answer all of those and take all those worries aways I just have to trust him and to pray about them with him but I though I would let know what goes through my head since people always ask

Monday, May 3, 2010

God is Good

Sorry I haven't posted for awhile. My 5 day chemo went well but I was ready to get out of there Sunday Morning when Jim and I left at 3 am. We now have the routine down where on 5 day chemo's my Mom stays Wednesday and Thursday night then my oldest sister Megan stays Friday then Jim stays Saturday and we leave right when I get unhooked. Things have been going good though as I went golfing once last week been doing school work and staying away from the Hospital as much as possible. The doctors thought I would have to get a transfusion yesterday so I went into for blood tests and my counts had once again gone way up so I 'm still without my 1st transfusion. After starting treatment 2 months ago it really is unbelievable how well I have done. God is taking such good care of me and I feel very lucky. I know things can change quickly and my treatment is going to wear me down over time but as of right now I'm fighting this cancer very well. I have a huge month ahead for me and I am really hoping for a great month that keeps me out of the hospital as much as possible. I will keep posting but these next two weeks are going to be pretty crazy with 3 day chemo on Wednesday, Mothers Day Sunday then the following week a PET scan to see what my tumor has done, then a blood transfusion in the works, then the Relay for Life and my birthday. I am so happy I am doing well. Keep praying and thank you for all the support.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Kids that Love Gary

Cancer sucks!!! We are all affected by cancer in some way. My dad Gary Light passed away from Colon Cancer in 2001. Since then I have been involved with the Relay For Life to fight Cancer. I have been a team leader the past two years with great support. I once again this year have the team "Kids that Love Gary" in honor of my dad. I have not been able to raise money and be a leader this year being affected by cancer myself. Everyone around me has been supporting the Relay For Life and we have several teams this year to fight Cancer.
If you are interested in donating to "Kids that Love Gary" here is the link:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


It has been a week or so since I have updated you guys with how things are going. I went into the weekend feeling great. I spent Friday night visiting my Younglife kids at the middle school I am a leader at. It was great and a blessing to be able to see them and for them to see me. I got to talk to them about what I have been going through and my faith and they loved it and I could see God working in there hearts. I ended Friday thanking God for an amazing week feeling great and getting a chance to do things like Younglife, hangout with friends, and even go to my high school soccer game. Saturday found me in the ER at the hospital because It looked like I had an infection in my port. I didn't feel sick or have a fever but I had to spend the night in the hospital and they had to give me antibiotics. At about 11 pm sitting in my hospital room with my mom guess who showed up? Devon showed up with his mom. Sadly he was there because he has got a fever and was having problems too. He was a lot worse then me though. It was pretty amazing that of all the hospital rooms in the hospital Devon and I ended up in the same room again. We stayed until about 1am celebrating Devon's 16th birthday singing him happy birthday with the nurses. I felt sooo bad that he had to spend his 16th birthday in the hospital. Devon and I have really enjoyed each other and are becoming better friends and so are our moms. I believe God has given me this friendship for a reason. Devon and I were planning are getting rooms together for the next round of chemo but it kills me to say Devon is still in the hospital and when I visited him today (because I was at the hospital for appointments) I found out he has to be in the hospital until thursday and maybe longer. Devon really needs our prays as he is struggling and going through a rough time right now. We still might get rooms together though since I go in for Chemo tomorrow for 5 days. I spend Monday and Today practicing my golf game and it was great to be out on the course. It was the first time I has been on the course since my treatment. Like I said I go in for chemo tomorrow until Sunday and I am feeling ready but I have come to find from this chemo that it really wears me down being in the hospital for a longer period of time. Over and over again I find myself thinking when things are not going well why cant I just feel better but then I feel selfish asking God for that because there are so many more kids out there suffering so much more. I am glad things are going good but I know there will be times where am like Devon with fevers and having to spend days in the hospital not just for treatment. Hoping and praying for a good round of chemo.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Me with My "Make a Wish" people

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hey everybody. Hope everyone is doing well. So last week I went back to the Hospital on Wednesday for 3 day Chemo. I went in with trying to make the best of this round. I was feeling good but for some reason as soon as I got to the hospital I had major jitters and felt sick before I had even started. I got to my room and five minutes later I felt extremely better as I met my nurse and my roommate who came in the same time as me. When you meet your roommate you obviously converse about why you are in the hospital. Turns out his name is Devin and he has Ewing Sarcoma in his left tibia and his mom was there with him who was a teacher. I told him I had the exact same thing in my right tibia and my mom was with me and was a teacher too. Weird huh? His tumor is a little lower by his ankle though and he started his treatment in December and was waiting for a bone graph so he could have surgery. Over those 3 days both me and Devin's chemo went really well as we were having the exact same chemo and started the same time and both ended at 2pm on Friday. Devin and I became friends as he got me to go to school and I got him to go to teen night. He is a Sophomore in Yakima and his mom and him are staying with his aunt in Seattle. That means he doesn't get to see friends or be home. I invited him and his mom to come hangout tomorrow with me and my mom tomorrow so hopefully they will come. Please keep him in your prays though as it is really hard to find bone graphs for ankles and they might have to fuse his ankle to his leg and he won't be able to walk on it again. But his tumor that is the same as mine has shrunk a lot and has reacted really well to the chemo. Like I was saying my chemo went well. Saturday was rough though once I was home for 24 hours I got sick and it wasn't the best day. Sunday was better and this week has been going well so far as I am trying to do a lot of school work. It was bed time for me a long time ago so I should stop writing. Keep praying!!!


p.s. I watched all of the Masters all 4 days and I'm glad Mickleson won as both his wife and mom are fighting breast cancer.
Also "Make a Wish" came tonight and talked to me about my wish which I have not decided yet.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter

I hope everyone had an Amazing Easter. I sure did as I got to be home with family and not at the hospital. I'm doing a lot better then I did a week ago I feel great again, which means only one thing, more chemo coming on Wednesday!!! Found this video and thought it is great and explains that even through this huge storm I find the Lord and he gives me strength.
Hope you like it!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rough Day

I got done with my chemo Sunday Morning at 4 30 am and Jim and I were out of the hospital by 5 and home by 5 45 I slept until about 9 am. After being there since Wednesday I was sooo glad to get home. I had not slept more than 2 hours straight the entire time I was in the hospital. You don't get much sleep in hospitals so when I got home I was in zombie mode but not feeling too nausea. I spent most of Sunday just being with my family as both my sisters were home for the first time in awhile. I also had the Lee family stop by and I got a surprise as my cousin Hunter shaved his head. I then got to see the Byrne Family from Spokane for a little while. Going into the afternoon I was feeling nausea. After my sisters both left for Redmond and Bellingham I started getting a temperature and I got sick. I then started to have throat pain which are all side affects. I went to bed early as I had probably 24 hours of sleep total since Wednesday. I did not get much sleep though as I had to be woken up every 30 min to check my temperature because I was running a fever. I was also trying to get down fluids and medicine I did not really sleep all night and I spent all day yesterday at the hospital where I was really nausea and tired. The doctor said I have bad mouth sores which are very common and I got medicine for that and also medicine for nausea. I slept for about 13 hours last night and I feel a lot better this morning as the medicine is helping my sores and the nausea is gone. My goal for today is to rest, do homework, eat, and stay away from the hospital:). I would also like to thank all the Moms who have been making me dinner. The food you have made has been amazing and if I did not have that food I would be in trouble for sure because I usually loose weight while im in the hospital but I gain it right back when I get a nice home cooked meal:). Thanks MOMS!!! Its been a tough week and even tougher last 48 hours or so but I'm so happy I am home and can see people and actually eat and sleep. As hard as it may be at times I feel lucky to have so much in my life with friends, family, God, and a home to go home. Also a mom that is more than amazing. Being at the hospital it kills me looking around and seeing so many people suffer so much more then I am. I think we all need to try are hardest to think about the good things we have in our life's instead of thinking about the things that are keeping you down.

Love you all and come visit me

Friday, March 26, 2010

The five day stay

Day 1-
Check-in 8:00AM March 24th and began chemo regiment began right away. It was a pretty rough day, over drugged on Benadryl, slept most of the day, did not want to eat.

Day 2-
Chemo began at 6:30AM, ate a little, and completed math algebra with Kathie (hospital teacher). Later that day I was joined by a third roommate, a Husky grad to watch the game. To bad they lost. Overall it was a good day:)

Day 3-
2:30AM Friday morning I began Chemo. Friday was an overall good day. Meet with the Katie again for a little math. Aunt Joanie came and stayed with me while Mom went out to lunch with some friends. Later that day Megan came and we played foozeball and cards. Garrett of course beat Megan in Fooze. Kyle Kearney came to visit later that night and brought us some pizza. We ate pizza and watched Basketball. I then started Chemo again at 10:00PM and it went though the night. The Chemo went good.

Day 4- Just woke up and really glad it is my last day here! Jim is coming to spend the day with me and I will be starting my last round of Chemo later on this evening. I am really excited to come home tomorrow!

Some side notes:
*I am begging to feel like I am on a leash when I am plugged into my IV. They are nice enough to unplug me each day for a short amount of time so I can take a shower.

*I am beginning to look like a leopard on my head as I start to loose my hair.

*The food is pretty gross here.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Good Weekend

As a guy I am not big on the whole blog thing and I thought my sisters would be doing most of it but I guess people want to hear from me and have me blog more often then I do and I guess I can't blame them.
Friday morning I was at children's getting my blood taken where my counts were the lowest they have been but it is very normal for my treatment. I also met with the teacher up at the hospital and got some help in math and will be working with her next week while I'm in the hospital. I came home and spent the rest of the day with my sister Lindsy where we played video games, watched basketball, and of course my favorite thing to do with my sister we watched a chick flick. She then left for her Mission Trip to Brooklyn, New York through her church at Western so please pray for her and the other students who will be spending the next week serving people over there.
Saturday I slept in and woke up to sunshine and knew I could not spend it at home inside. I spent the rest of the morning watching basketball then my mom, Jim, and I headed South to Steilacoom to visit the Barnums for the day. On are way there we stopped by Chambers Bay golf course to look at it. Just watching people play, being out in the sun, and seeing that amazing golf course it was the best 30 minutes I have had in awhile. At the Barnums we ate a lot of great food, got to be outside, and watched some basketball and it was great just being out of the house and visiting with family.
Today was another great day as I slept in then did some homework and read a little bit. I then of course watched basketball (college basketball is my favorite sport to watch). My friend Steve then came over and we played video games and got to visit about school and things like that.
As you can see I have felt pretty good all weekend which has been pretty nice. I'm glad I got to get out a little bit instead of always being inside. I'm not looking forward to this week as I go to the hospital both monday and tuesday morning then I'm back in the hospital for more chemo until Sunday. But I'm just taking it day by day.

Take care,

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Game Plan!!!!

Yesterday was the best I have felt since I have started my chemo. It was a great day as I spent the school day doing homework and Erin Wickstrom came over and visited for awhile which was great. Then Kylee came over and I went to the store with her and got myself some Cheetos that for some reason I was craving. I then got to hang with Brendan, Kyle, Cory, and Austin as we watched Family Feud and found out that the possession of smarties for kids leads to smoking. I was feeling great with no side affects and off all medicine. Then this morning I woke up feeling horrible. I had a really bad stomach ache and bad pain. I have felt better as the day went on and now Im feeling pretty good.
So I spent today at the Hospital getting tests all day and meeting with my team of doctors. I got a lot of information that was good for me. As people know I love the game of golf and it is my favorite sport as I worked at the golf course before this all happened and play varsity for the high school golf team where I am the up coming team Co-Captain. With the cancer I was not sure if I would be able to play golf the next 8 months. I had not really talked to the doctors about it much yet because I obviously had other things on my mind. My doctor told me today that playing golf is up to me. With golf being an outside sport I do not have to worry about getting infections or getting sick or anything that would be bad for me. I should not play when my blood counts are low though. So I can play and practice when I am feeling up to it and not sick or tired, but it will be hard to play a whole round because of my energy level at time. Also I wont be able to play and practice full time my senior golf season. But that was great news to hear that when not feeling sick from chemo or recovery from surgery I can golf and go fishing too.
I also talked to doctor Conrad who does all the surgery and is the best there is about the surgery I will be having to remove the tumor. The plan is if everything goes as planned is I will have my surgery on June 1st. Depending on how much the chemo shrinks my tumor until then will tell what type of replacement I will get. I will either have a Tibia replacement with a bone graph or a Tibia and a knee joint replacement (which involves a metal rod). It is pretty confusing stuff and I'm still confused on how everything happens but either surgery the recovery will be 3 months(all summer) without walking and on crutches and according to the doctors I will be able to fully recover from the replacement and be able to do the same things I could do before.
I feel good about how things are going so far and am finding new strength through the Lord everyday. I go back in on Friday to see how my blood counts are and hoping and praying that there might be a chance I can stop by The Round Up Friday night for Younglife. The chances are probably not but I would really love to go for a little bit.

I hope everyone is doing well and I miss and love you all,

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Relaxing weekend at home

Garrett is currently sitting in his Grandpa's favorite chair watching the NCAA Men's basketball selection show (some of you may know Grandpa's famous brown chair). This is Lindsy blogging (garrett's other sister). I am finally done with finals and home from WWU for a night and spending some quality time with Garrett. Last night we had a popcorn and movie night (we watched Glory Road... one of Garrett's favorite movies). Today Garrett challenged me to the video game NBA 2k10 and as usual... beat me pretty badly. I guess this chemo isn't keeping his video game skills down. Garrett has had a few side effects from the chemo: a little nausea, headaches and body aches. He has a great appetite and doesn't even have to be asked often to drink his water! Once the basketball show comes to an end Garrett will spend some time doing homework today while he is feeling pretty good. I know that it's been said a lot... but thank you ALL again for so much support.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Home from first Chemo Treatment

I'm glad to be home after spending the last 52 hours getting my first chemo treatment. It was a little different then I thought it would, but in a good way. I was expecting to get very sick and nauseas. Yes I did feel nauseas a lot but never got sick because all the drugs they gave me to keep me from getting sick. They said when giving kids chemo my age they just like to give you drugs to make you sleepy. That is exactly how I felt I was out of it pretty much the entire time i was there. I got up and walked around my room and the floor a little just to get out of bed, but wherever I went and walked around I would have to roll around my chemo that was hooked up to me. Probably the weirdest thing I felt when I was there was whenever I was out on my drugs I would hallucinate when sleeping it was pretty weird and I would talk and reach out my hand while Im sleeping. Having chemo in me changes a lot because I cant afford to be around anyone or anything that could get me sick.
I really miss everyone and hanging out with my friends!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I guess some of you are having a hard time accessing Garrett's Blog at school so we have created an additional Blog where you can go to see updates. We will post on both this blog and the Caring Bridge Blog. Here is a link to the Caring Bridge Blog:

Chemo Day 2

Garrett has been such a stud with starting Chemo treatment:). He started yesterday around 9:30 and is on his finally bag today! So far he has not gotten sick (knock on wood) and only had a little nausea. They have been giving him lots of anti-nausea meds which basically make him sleep, I guess thats what they do for teens that are going through treatment. Earlier this afternoon Garrett got up and we went for a short walk around the floor. He got to check out the family room, team room, and see what it looks like around this place:) We will continue to keep you all updated. Thanks again for all the support.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Ready For Chemo

Tomorrow is the day that I officially start my Chemotherapy. I went in today and had a bunch of tests taken and blood taken to make sure everything looked ready to start my chemo and everything went well. I also got my PT scan results back and I officially have no cancer in any other parts of my bone and body and everything else besides my leg obviously looked great. That was great news to hear. The plan for this week if everything goes as planned is I go in tomorrow morning to the hospital and go right in and they start giving me my chemo through my port. The chemo will go for 2 days straight and depending on how I am doing I am planning on coming home Thursday night. The doctor said that the 1st round of chemo that I am getting tomorrow is going to be the toughest chemo I will get. So might as well get the worst out of the way first. I'm ready for tomorrow and to start chemo to get better and I'm expecting to be pretty sick and out of it. I love all the support and am feeling Gods strength more and more everyday.
Love Everyone

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Home and feeling the Love

I have bee home now since Wednesday night and I have been feeling better more and more everyday. I came home on crutches and was sooooo out of it Wednesday and all I wanted to do was get some sleep; something you don't get a lot of when your at the hospital. So Wednesday it felt great just to sleep and not get bugged. Thursday I was still taking my pain drugs and not able to walk without my crutches and help. By the end of the day though I was off all pain drugs. Come Friday I woke up and felt great. By the end of Friday I was getting around with with no crutches and no help and no pain medication. I still have a little pain this morning but Im feeling pretty darn good. This brings me to my main point on this post which is the support I have been getting. I am amazed over and over again at how much love people are showing. Ever since I have been home people have been visiting me, sending me cards, and there love and support. I also had the chance to go visit my school yesterday and now I am writing this blog on my new Mac which the school gave me. The Elementary school, Middle school and most of all Auburn Moutainview the high school I go to raised $1400 in 2 days by the teachers to get me this Mac. I thought that was amazing and felt such great support. My house also got decorated by a bunch of friends. Also Dawn Brown and one of my best friends Kylee are in the process of making bracelets to raise money. I have got several other things from family and friends but that would take me forever to list all of them. So as you can see the support is amazing. Last night when I was on my computer just relaxing and finally getting a chance to read all my messages and posts on facebook it just made me feel so blessed to be surrounded by such amazing people. I can already tell that God is moving in everyones life that has been affected by this and it is sooo amazing to see his work and makes me even feel better about my Cancer because everyone plus me is growing and becoming closer to each other and God and that is exactly what he wants to happen. It was hard last night though to stay home because it is a Friday night and on Fridays im either hanging with my friends and leading Younglife which I believe is going to be super hard to get over. I love leading so much and have just started making great relationships with these kids and it just breaks my heart knowing I cant be there for them on those Friday nights to teach them about Christ and to just love them. I have also felt bad because I have missed two of my best friends birthdays while recovering, so I would like to take a moment to say Happy Birthday Steve and Maddy. But I know that God has other plans and like I was saying earlier I am already loving what I am seeing with the people around me and myself and how we are growing and loving God more and more each day. I am feeling great this morning as I'm writing this and this is a really long post and I wanted to make it that way because I need to make the best on writing on this blog because most of the posts will be from my sister. Im ready for the next week and to start chemo with the hardest part of chemo being next week I feel a lot better about it after feeling all the love I have felt this week.
I Love You all very much,

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Home and Recovering

Garrett came home last night and his recovering from his Biopsy Procedure. He seems to be doing a little better each day:). He will be going back to Children's on Tuesday to begin Chemo. Please pray for pain relief in his hips and right leg. He is looking forward to visitors as soon as he is feeling a little better. Please call Garrett or the house if you want to come over to visit. Thanks to everyone for all the support and prayers:)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The last 36 hours

Hey everyone this is Garrett some of my posts will be by me but others will be by my sisters as I go through this journey to be Cancer free. So I got to the hospital Monday morning and they gave me Bruno a beanie baby dog and i was told to keep him with me at all times:). This just shows that i was taken care of like I was a little kid. Also I was in the Whale hallway I guess thats why they call it Children's Hospital! Then I sat down with the doctor before surgery and we went over how the  surgery would go...If it ended up being Cancer they would put in a port in my chest that would allow IV's access.  Then at 9:30 I headed in for the surgery.  The surgery lasted a long 3 1/2 hours.  I was out so long it took me FOREVER to wake up from the drugs. When I finally work up I felt the port in my chest and knew I had cancer.  Then the doctor came in and talked to me and said while I was out they did the Biopsy, a bone marrow test in my hips, and put a port in my chest.  It took my a while to wake up still, but I had no pain, however, I was nauseous so they gave me some nausea medicine.  I spent the rest of the day resting and talking to A LOT of different doctors.  By about 8:00 I was feeling pretty good and eat some GREAT pudding (like the one Scott and Erin told me about).  I ended up falling asleep pretty easily with my mom still here.  Grandma and Aunt  Kim were here today to visit.  

I woke up in the middle of the night with feeling really sore on my leg and my hips where I had my surgery done.   I then spent the whole day having tests taking, getting drugs for my pain, talking to doctors, and sleeping.  This evening Aunt Martha and Aunt Sandy came to to visit. My plan is to have a PET scan and 6:00 am Wed. morning.  Depending on my pain I can hopefully go home afterwards.  I miss you all...I have gotten all or your messages, facebook posts, texts, etc. and feel great support from all of you.  I am sorry I haven't replied to any of you but I am feel very supported and loved.  Please feel free to text me if you want to come visit me at home the next couple days.  I will be starting Chemo on Monday!  I love you all very much:)


P.S. All of my doctors here are great and I feel well taken care of...they know what they are doing!!!  They doctor that did my surgery reminds me of Dr. House from the tv show. 

Monday, March 1, 2010

Post Surgery Update

Here are the details from Garrett's Biopsy Surgery: 

The diagnosis of Garrett's tumor was a cancerous tumor called Ewing's Sarcoma.   After discovering the tumor was cancerous they drew some bone marrow from both hips to test for cancer in the bone marrow.  The doctor doesn't think that it has spread at this point because both his CT scan and MRI looked clear, he just wants to be 100% and preventative.  We will have these results tomorrow afternoon.  

He will be spending the night here at the Hospital and then headed home for a few days.  The plan will be for Garrett to begin Chemotherapy treatment this Friday.  From there it looks the treatment plan will include a 30 week treatment consisting of chemo, surgery, and then more chemo.

Garrett is still pretty out of it from being sedated, but in good spirits.  He would love for you to facebook him or leave messages on the blog.  I was reading him some facebook messages earlier and it brought a smile to his face:)

Bring it On!!!

Garrett Light...Is ready to climb this mountain with God by my side and the support of my family and friends behind me...Thank you for a great weekend!!!  We will keep you updated after the Surgery:)